The James Franco Review

An Open Door is an Open Door

Laura A. Lord

"Of this I am certain: The moment you said, "You are..." I no longer recognized myself. ‪‎I am‬ more than the woman you see. "

O at the Edges

Musings on poetry, language, perception, numbers, food, and anything else that slips through the cracks.

Trish Hopkinson

A selfish poet

Patrick W. Marsh

I write about monsters to understand what it is to be human.

Saturday Evening Posts

Meditation & Memories

Pastels Rock


Vonj Production

Bringing you love through spirit!


My thoughts on public education and other things

John Haywood Watercolours

Bold, Evocative Watercolour Paintings by John Haywood

Nesbit and Gibley

Two old men write poetry, short stories and other things

Magic in the Backyard

Official Blog of Author Kellie Elmore

Telling all sides of the parenting story


..the world as it is through my lens and sense! News

The latest news on and the WordPress community.